Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The state of the economy is an extension of a 30 year progression not a cyclical hyper anomaly

The people in the Rust Belt have been living it for the last 35 years. Ross Perot spoke about it in 1992. What occurred in '08 and has extended to this day is one of the branches and footnotes of a political-economic philosophy that cherishes profits over community. Those who either spin it otherwise or don't discern the common economic thread happening to the 'People of Main Street' are the agents-of-change for-the-worse. Consumers and organized labor are equally guilty for the creation and perpetuation of these conditions. They have stoked the fires for those aggrandizing to make greater profits by holding costs and jobs to depressive levels for individuals and communities, as the aggrandizers supply the supercilious and superfluous to the consumer as labor focuses on narrow provincial concerns for too long to the detriment of global labor concerns.

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