Monday, December 6, 2010

Cognitive Discipine in the Culture of Illusions

We face the challenge of focus and coherence in the petri-dish culture of spectacle and distraction, with the accompanying metaphysical supporting mantras. Even the language is oriented for inertial status quos of stasis. From language to acts, you are the outlier, the appendage or appendical branch reaching out from the body seeking to explore beyond what is the homeostasis of the core body. Our function is NOT the purposes of the core. We are the dna structured to seek and find. Our rna is meant to support our unique composition. We are the bio-chemistry of re-formatting.

We are of the symbols and metaphors consequence of things beyond their temporally conditioned use. We are the architects of meaning and the draftsmen for the blueprints of new designs of expression. Ours is not the consumption and satiation of what already is. We are the re-organizers for what could be. We see knowledge as not some mentally warehoused stuff to be regurgitated orally or used as the obsolete or anachronistic excuse for present and future actions. And we DON'T see knowledge as another proprietary possession of our specie to be used as a weapon on other specie forms.

Knowledge, scientia, is there to be the signal, symbol, and metaphor of reconnecting us with the natural world of the multiverses. We are the linguistic alchemist. We take the serendipitous and phenomenological experience of the signals, symbols, and metaphors of knowledge and apply them in the service of our organic functioning within ourselves and their relatings to entities, intangible as well as tangible, about us.

We are a part of a grander web of scientia. In that grander web is the energy of the multi-verses. To know the poetry of the prose is to feel that energy that radiates and transmits from all forms and unites us in a communal family of common purpose-to know and feel each other as extensions of our own being.

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