Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bootie, the DREAM,Philantrophy, Salvagings potpourri

Discount Cab Fares for Hampton-Newport: 258/171/134/US17/143/US60/105-http://lnk.ms/S6tr4

Let yourself go!! In ALL in the RIGHT places, with Bubbles!! sponsored http://spn.tw/t1jGiO

When you see your ‘puter, sound system, HDTV or regular TV showing signs of croaking...: There's profit in your despair for your dying and dead electronics @uSell!! sponsored http://spn.tw/t1iYjI

Scare the Bejeebers out of those who think the eyes are the gateway to the soul-->Wanna spook the Hell out of All Saints Day Nov. 1st, also? It's no trick, but a treat with Halloween contacts sponsored http://spn.tw/t1iXHY

NBC and VERSUS will be broadcasting this event 22-28 August . (Like I wanted to say for the following tweet, ‘Watching this event will give you all the heart-pounding excitement without having to move your legs!’) Will the USA Pro Cycling Challenge emerge as Americas top bike race? Lets find out #USAProsponsored http://spn.tw/t1j6yw

If we organize to support each other and those of like mind, with our spare nickels and dimes and pennies we will give each other just that much more flexibility of action because we'll not be tied down 'slaving' for the value of the patronage we'd be giving each other: http://lnk.ms/SC8gq

The corrolary to the above:
Merli Monk

‘Private Penny Club Lotteries' Legality: http://lnk.ms/RkV6Z’

From a co-ex-AF chum, whom I trained, when she was a buck-wild child, but became an E-8 Mother Hen, 20 years later, before they sent her on a deployment, as a surgery tech that exposed her to radioactive, tipped munitions which gave her tumors and a compromised immune system-
Military retirement is not a Entitlement, it was earned! Military benefits aren't some kind of charity or handout! Congressional benefits = free health care, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days -now THAT'S welfare. And Congress has the nerve to call a Military retirement an "Entitlement"? Re-post if you are sick of their stuff, and ashamed of Congress”

The DREAM-FOR THE RECORD! If you think your dreams are just your brain dumping the sensations of the your life in a symbolic collage of NO MEANING,read this! : http://lnk.ms/RQNr2

Being YOUR-BOSS and RESOURCE. Don’t be caught in the rat-race, thinking that trinkets and beads are going to replace doing what’s important for your practical and emotional well being-POC: http://lnk.ms/SnLj5

Peak into the future on the mind-expanding words of Digital Science Fiction anthologies with the writers of the future giving you tomorrow’s vision now sponsored http://spn.tw/t1j5jK

Lovelybubbles will be the song you'll be singing after admiring how well it wears on your eyes! Next to seeing that special someone or the apple-of-your-eyes in nothing at-all, lovely bubbles will get the beast roaring in you!! sponsored http://spn.tw/t1inHe

Get some killer speed for your slow computer. Don’t drag along waiting when your ‘puter could be drag-racing! Call 1-855-killslow 545-5756 sponsored http://spn.tw/t1iRy2

Military spouses, you can do it ONLINE! No more agencies or state employment offices. sponsored. Take your education with you-online!! http://spn.tw/t1ixaY

Why wait on the bickerers on Capitol Hill, get your taxes back in FREE GRANTS! It’s YOUR money. THEY, those bickering and posturing bags of winds on Capitol Hill, will delay or spend your taxes for everything but what you and yours need, just to get-by. Get the Grants that will empower YOUR life, rather than waiting for them to give it away to those who need it the least or use it for things irrelevant to your ethical and moral standards!! sponsored http://spn.tw/t1ixbs

This is the kind of 'BAD' and 'SICK' that will get you smiling at your 'puter's prognosis. No need to send your ‘puter to its ‘graveyard’ from its presumed ‘deathbed’ functionings. Give it the revelatory Resurrection that will have you shouting ‘Hosannas!!’ sponsored http://spn.tw/t1inIc

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Liberation and its Flexibilities!

MerlinHenry Merlin Henry Harper
Being YOUR-BOSS and RESOURCE-POC: http://lnk.ms/SnLj5

Friday, August 19, 2011


This is something that has been a long time coming and has run as a corollary to my other post, 'FOR THE RECORD-the DREAM' (lnk.ms/RbVGc). It's been economically and politically true for me for 39 years. Considering my obsession and fascination, numerologically, with the number '9', the 39 years, 2 months, and 13 days since I left the womb of the 'belly of the Beast of Yale', and 36 years, 3 weeks, and 4 days since I left the service of the U-nwilling S-erving the A-rrogant R-uling the M-any for Y-ou (US ARMY, for you slower ones!!),the significance of the combinations of the numbers '9' and '4' have retained their numerological significance with me.

A major obsessive imperative and goal was having the flexible freedom to do what was passionate and viscerally imporatnt to me. I've always been, temperamentally, an ascetic, spartan by nature. I don't really NEED much though I appreciate and explore the intriguing nature of A LOT of people and things. The WEALTH pitches that come with MLM and REAL ESTATE programs were not the hook that this fish was seeking to bite, though I'd nibble to get a taste of what de-fuck they were talking about. I was about service (number '6', on the numerological charts for my name, also!). Those who knew me as the maniac-human-tragedy and co-hosts of the 'Space Houses' at Yale know that it was always about sharing and doing service for the GOOD causes of the group. When the DRAFT had me by the short-hairs after graduation I went in as an ENLISTED, rather than succumb to the vanities of being an officer and executing the very mind-set I had cavalierly protested against in college!

After the Army and later the Air Force, my nomadic civilian vocational profile shows, at the least, no small devotion to any one employer, though there were a few I'd recommend in Syracuse, Dayton, Richmond VA, Pueblo, and EVEN in EMPLOYEE-EXPLOITATIVE Omaha! My first runs at self-employment were dilettante teases, with no broad coherent philosophy of meaning beyond the financial ends. My lack of a sustaining philosophy for those efforts came from the diversions of not having a coherent meaning of urgency for being in those roles. My failure was made easier by that lack of a coherent purpose. Though,I CAN say that, the freedom and flexibility I had, I did enjoy.

With the end of my military obligation for my retirement pension, AND my repulsion at the thought of sinking roots into Omaha which was for me the spiritual equivalent of an EPA SUPERFUND CLEAN-UP SITE,I resigned myself as a minimum to low-wage free-agent. In this status, I learned the disciplines of being ascetic enough so to preserve and better utilize my external resources, as well as to discipline myself on my internal resources, particularly the TIME I'd choose to participate or commit myself.

When it came time to move to Virginia (or Colorado), I was pretty-schooled in my disciplines to get the 'new nuclear family' to NPN VA. As 'Murphy's Laws of Fate' would have it (lnk.ms/SXQwb) I encountered the situation that brought me to these keystrokes. Though I found decent employment, the working conditions were strenuous enough to reveal a serious pulmonary-vascular condition to terminate it and send me back into the realm of the unemployed. Having to jump through the hoops of those who have the applicants by their 'short-hairs' and those potential employers treat the applicants with the knowledge of their whimsical powers they have in the process, started getting me pissed. After two turn-downs, which were pure whimsy, beyond any alienation to my resume, I was VERY pissed.

Fortunately, I had been simultaneously 'working' my avocational side and trolling in online rabbit holes, looking for the sublime or the intriguing. The real first came from a friending on the URL shortening status pages of MySpace. A 'friender' turned me on to a site (https://app.sponsoredtweets.com/login) which she thought would take advantage of the way I give my 2-cent, turn-of-the-phrase quips to the Twitter posts that are part of my daily news feeds. I found a couple of sponsors whose products or services caught my favor and I produced advertising tweets for them. As I was finding the benefits of this, the signs for finding something beyond the employment whims and jump-hoops of 3rd parties was becoming more urgent. As serendipity would have it (lnk.ms/SY103) my search brought me to a business-networking site (Corkin.com) where I was going to place an ad for my '2-cent Movement' (lnk.ms/SC8gq), when I checked out an email sent to my inbox and the guy was promoting this site (http://allsolutionsnetwork.com/MH/MH16785/). After TAKING THE TIME to listen and read, I saw that this latter and the former ad-tweeting could be the key to my employment, financial, and cognitive focus issues.

Like I declared earlier, I have ASCETIC-MINIMALIST-to-SPARTAN tendencies. Material-$$-Wealth is NOT my ends. But having the freedom of options in the flexibility of my time does require some subsistence, sufficient income. That's ALL I'M LOOKING FOR, and I believe, for many of YOU, that's ALL that you are LOOKING FOR.

You don't have to participate in any of the sites I put up here. What's more important, for you who know that our present economic and political system fleeces the average worker while disenfranchising them from any fiduciary security, let alone tangible or intangible benefits, that these words will have you looking on my sites and others for those options of flexibility for your time and life.

Aug 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

To Lead

Leading has been so pimped out for bogus ends, that the leadership, themselves, should be looked at with a jaundiced and skeptical eye. For me, leadership is the willing intrepidity to take the challenge of one's knowledge and enter into the journey of that phenomena of one's truth. It is the disciplining of one's self and the prioritizing the efficiency on one's mental, as well as physical movements, to attain the most intense and focused expression of effectuating the the attitudes of those paradigms of expression.

The leader penetrates the invisible, intangible barriers that inhibit and restrain others in their emotional limitations. The leader is an explorer-scout and incidental mentor to those he/she encounters. A leader does not exist to persuade or manage. A leader is there to act and institute the empirical reality of his knowledge and intuitive hunches associated with his knowledge and subconscious seedings.

Part of being is to obtain the freedom of options,which financial freedom affords one to have-
(Three NON-scam ways to earn extra cash: http://bit.ly/e1yWXj )

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Not even for 10 innocents?!!

Not even for 10 innocents?!!
(As an homage to Abraham's query to God in the Plains of Mamre)

The wrath of judgment's blade has taken the innocent along with the guilty. Are we, by our own deeds, so far gone that not even the innocent can be protected from the wrath of consequences? Still the apologists and the reductionist try to minimalize the scope so to keep the operations of their social order to their advantage. Just like a geo-spheric calamity of nature, the human-originated calamity rolls indifferently in its destruction of whomever is in its wanton path.

It's not as if there weren't signs (of the times) screaming and warning us. They've been there. Yet, those whose self-interest was more important than the welfare of the vulnerable led and portrayed the illusion like the Judas goats they were. Like Pontius Pilate they wash their hands of the matter in denial of their own culpability.

Woe to them and theirs who continue to buy into and swallow the social and cultural swill being fed to them. God didn't destroy Sodom-Gomorrah. They did it to themselves in their own willful hubris and blind ignorance.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Yoga of Serendipity

The yoga of serendipity is the zen of an attitude of cognitive associations. It is the process of connecting by conscious and subconscious means the events and phenomena that affect your sensory receptors. It is trusting the feedback your body gives you in dreams, satori, and prose from the processing of those stimuli through your logos.

Our logos is the limiting factor. We were born into THIS world dimension, so we have an inherent, mortal struggle with a logos base that is circumscribed by the second and third hand knowledge being passed on to us. The zen for the yoga comes in when we become aware of those associations of seemingly random events and phenomena as having some correlation with each other. After that its trusting that the correlations 'fabricated' by your psyche are valid conclusions. Amazingly, they will be.

Once you get to that amazed point of validation, then the acceleration of serendipities (and time) begins. The imperative of using-and racing-time to get to an intensity of focus and coherence which allows you to enter a rabbit-hole zone of intrepid 'adventures' becomes the adrenalin rush of your life. In ways, this vitalization appears to be the 'yoga' of the zen. The amplified energy allows for the engaging of intuitive possibilities that lead to serendipitous, unintended paths of revelatory knowledge of self and being.

Dreams, deja vus, new acquaintances, and mundane statements or expressions become the gateways to a life that has little to do with the acquisition of more than the basics for your genetic physiology. The trappings of the temporal and secular life are little more than stage props for the advent of the next mystery visitation into your awareness and life. Learning to engage those topsy-turvy causing visitations with grace and elegance becomes the yoga of those serendipities. The benefit to you are incidental facility. The greater or profound effect are the affects to one's environment.

I liken it to what is called the '100 monkey syndrome'. When a certain (cosmic) mass shares a similar resonance, they coincidentally affect their surroundings-like a fission, chain reaction. the chain reaction moves out like the roots of the tree. The fractal math functions would best describe this effect. As a tangible occurrence, this serendipitous yoga is the way the cosmos heals itself. We of the chain reaction syndrome are the convenient vessels for this.

As we maximize the efficiency of our carnal vessels we make the fractal reactions of connection and growth with others that more likely. This discipline (yoga) will detach and estrange us from many of the social, vocational, and cultural forms that are presently part of our attending attention. In fact, you are being a de facto shaman in discipline and social interaction. You are the 'medicine' giver for the Cosmos. You'll be making your 'house-calls' where ever the opportunity of serendipity presents itself in sound, vision, or 'in-sight!'.

That's the primer for the Yoga of Serendipity.