Saturday, January 8, 2011

Not even for 10 innocents?!!

Not even for 10 innocents?!!
(As an homage to Abraham's query to God in the Plains of Mamre)

The wrath of judgment's blade has taken the innocent along with the guilty. Are we, by our own deeds, so far gone that not even the innocent can be protected from the wrath of consequences? Still the apologists and the reductionist try to minimalize the scope so to keep the operations of their social order to their advantage. Just like a geo-spheric calamity of nature, the human-originated calamity rolls indifferently in its destruction of whomever is in its wanton path.

It's not as if there weren't signs (of the times) screaming and warning us. They've been there. Yet, those whose self-interest was more important than the welfare of the vulnerable led and portrayed the illusion like the Judas goats they were. Like Pontius Pilate they wash their hands of the matter in denial of their own culpability.

Woe to them and theirs who continue to buy into and swallow the social and cultural swill being fed to them. God didn't destroy Sodom-Gomorrah. They did it to themselves in their own willful hubris and blind ignorance.

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